If softening in labour demand is sustained, inflation should moderate and limit further policy tightening
Themed 'Madani Budget', the revised Budget 2023 is an upward revision from the RM372.3 billion presented in October 2022, before...
Property investment is a long-term game, here's how you can make money in property
Find out what the experts has to say on the Budget 2023, market's volatility, and regional currency turmoil
Unique circumstances mean there are no clear-cut lessons from history, making this economic cycle particularly hard to categorise
A falling renminbi is often associated with falling inflation among its trading partners. We look at whether its recent weakening...
A country's economy collapses when it has no or zero cash reserve, exports and economic activities. Will Malaysia follow Sri...
Inflationary pressures are likely to increase amid measures to discourage high-carbon energy sources, although much depends on how policymakers intervene...
There are many positive dynamics at play for Southeast Asian economies despite weak export growth prospects
The flood of fiscal stimulus by governments around the world in response to the COVID-19 pandemic will have long term...
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© 2024 The SmartInvestor Malaysia | The contents on this website are for educational purposes only. You should always seek your own professional advice from the appropriate financial advisor or institution.
© 2024 The SmartInvestor Malaysia | The contents on this website are for educational purposes only. You should always seek your own professional advice from the appropriate financial advisor or institution.