A mother’s love is like no other
Her love is warmer than any summer
She loves you even before you were born
Carrying you 9 months with the tender loving care of a mom
Risking her life and bearing all the pain
Sacrificing her all just for your gain
She would bleed for you to heal
Fight for you to overcome any ordeal
She would sacrifice her life
To keep you alive
Comfort you in difficult times
With care and love so divine
She believes in you when you doubted yourself
Supported all of you; your every cell
Encourages you to go on despite challenges
Does everything she can even beyond her talent
All willing to bear your pain and agony
So that you are safe and in harmony
In haste and chase, many may have forgotten
Her deeds are often taken as forgone
Of this special lady we called “Mother”
Let’s recognize and celebrate her love with a smother
Her love is ever so warm and pure
Should be treasured and cherished with great allure
Today we salute you all mothers
Your undying love and sacrifice of such wonder
We thank God for His most wonderful gift
For He created mothers of this world
Happy Mother’s Day
By Dr Victor SL Tan
CEO KL Strategic Change Consulting Group
He can be contacted at victorsltan@klsccc.com